Monday, September 20, 2010

Economics Agenda September 20-24th

  • Unit 1 - Journal 9
    • How much pizza can you eat at one time?  What's the highest # of slices that you've ever put away in one sitting?  Is there another food that you can eat more of?  How much of this food have you eaten?  Are tehre any foods taht you've eaten so much of that you couldn't possibly eat them again? 
  • Define "Law of Diminishing Marginal Returns"
  • Ben and Jerry's
  • HW= catch up on reading from Chapter 1 (you should have read through section 3 by now)
  • Unit 1, Journal 10
    • What financial goals do you have for yourself for two years from now?  Five years from now?  10 years or more?  How much money will it take to reach these goals?  How long do you have to save that amount of cash? 
  • Finish Ben and Jerry's thinking at the margin activity
  • HW= the costs of Needs and Wants chart
  •  Unit 1, Journal 11
    • It's Friday're going on a date!  List all of the marginal decisions that you'll make during that date.
  • Production possibilities...squares and triangles
  • HW= take notes on Ch 2, Sec 1
  • No Journal - Quiz #2 instead
  • Production Possibilities Practice
  • HW= notes on Chapter 2, Sections 2 and 3
  • Unit 1, Journal 12
    • Why do people keep budgets?  How would you go about setting up a budget?  Have you ever tried to keep a budget?  Why or why not?  What makes a budget difficult to follow?
  • Steps to managing a budget, and Extra Credit option presented
  • Introduce Budget project for three households - due Friday, October 1st
  • HW= finish notes on Chapter 2, sections 2 and 3

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