Monday, January 3, 2011

Works Cited Page and Autobiography of a... assignment guidelines

The Autobiography of a:       (you fill in the blank!)       . 

You (and a partner, if you wish) will be creating an illustrated, children’s story about a manufactured good (created by man, a “good” with labor added). This can be something that’s been around for what seems like forever, or an object that was born recently.

You must do plenty of research on the item, and include a bibliography (on the last page of the book). You should include well-researched answers to as many of the questions below as possible.

Your final product will be graded on accuracy of information, amount of content included, creativity, and general appearance. Remember, this is a story for children, so it should be written in simple language, it should have lovely pictures, and it should be interesting to read. It can be entirely handcrafted (including writing), entirely computer generated, or a combination of both. Images can be electronic, but if they are done this way, I’ll be looking for even more creativity in other places to compensate for a lack of artistic effort.

This project is due at the start of class on January 4th. This means that you can either choose to work hard these next couple of days, and finish before the break, or you may choose to work only during class and finish the project over the vacation….it’s your choice!

Questions to answer:
  1. What is the item made of?
  2. What does it look like?
  3. How is it made? What is the process?
  4. Where do the raw materials come from to make the item?
  5. Where are each of its “parts” created?
  6. Where is the item assembled?
  7. Where is it sold most often?
  8. Who does the work of creating or assembling the item?
  9. Who owns the means to produce the item?
  10. What kind of variety exists between this item and others?
  11. How much does it cost to buy it? Is this the same all over the world or is it more/less expensive in some places than in others?
  12. What kind of value does the item have outside of monetary value?
  13. Does it represent some kind of status or impressive standing in society?
  14. Is it used regionally, or all around the world?
  15. Who uses it? What are these people like?
  16. What is it used for?
  17. Does it have any additional uses for which it was not intended?
  18. What additional interesting information can you find?

Works Cited Page

This will go at the end of your childrens' book. Please follow the directions below.

How to format a website:

Author, editor or compiler name. “Title of the Page on the Site.” Website Name. Publisher or name of sponsoring organization, date of resource creation or update. Medium. Access date.
Summer, Elaine. “Four Part Composition.” Boston Music Society, 10 Apr. 2004. Web. 9 Sept. 2009.
How to format a book:

Author’s Name[1]. Book Title: Subtitle[2]. Editors[3] (Ed.). Translator (Trans.). Edition (ed). City of Publication[4]: Publisher, Year of Publication[5]. Medium[6].
Vonnegut, Kurt. Welcome to the Monkey House.  New York: Dell Publishing, 1998. Print.

How to format an article from a periodical:

Author’s Name. “Article Title: Subtitle.” Name of Periodical Date: Pages[7]. Medium.
Davidson, James. “Building the Better House: A Novice’s Guide.” Home Buyers Monthly 12 Feb. 2004: 19-25. Print.


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