Monday, October 25, 2010

Economics Agenda: October 25-29

  • Unit 2, Journal 7                                                                 
    • Take a look at your changes that you made regarding your “life scenario” from Friday.  Briefly describe the life change, then answer the following questions:
  • 1.   Where did you find the money to cover your expenses if you were household #1?
    2.   Where did you find the money to cover your expenses if you were household #2?
    3.   Where did you find the money to cover your expenses if you were household #3?
    4.   What, if anything were we NOT taking into account from an actual life circumstance when we examined the budget?
    5.   What would the benefit of a credit card be in this instance?  Costs?
    6.   Which family suffered the most from the scenario?
    a.   Is this “fair”?  Explain.
  • Review Supply and Demand Curves, Equilibrium price and quantity, and Elasticity (groups and wipe boards!)
  • HW= Complete Chapter 7 GRQs (DO NOT complete the chart on the back of the GRQs)
  • Turn in GRQs Chapter 7
  • Review Supply and Demand in Groups
  • Market structures and competition charts (groups)
  • Unit 2, Journal 8
  • Industry illustrations
  • HW= Frozen Yogurt Practice
  • Quiz on supply and demand shifters
  • Economics of Halloween!!
  • HW= Frozen Yogurt Practice


  1. Hii Ms kraft I m Unnati Patel from your last year class...
    How r u??
    And How is the class in 4th hour....

  2. Hi Unnati..of course I remember you. Hope your year is going well, stop by sometime and see me!
