Monday, September 13, 2010

Economics Agenda September 13-17


  • Unit 1, Journal 4
    Explain five decisions you made in the last 24 hours. Identify the options available to you, what you ultimately decided on, and what your opportunity cost was by making the choice you did.
  • Cost/Benefit Analysis
  • Flashcard Gallery
  • HW= read chapter 1, sections 1 & 2 (prep for a quiz tomorrow)
  • Unit 1, Journal 5
    •  What is the difference between a need and a want.  List plenty of each.
  • Finish index card gallery walk
  • Quiz: Ch 1, section 1&2
  • HW= list at least 30 decisions that you make between now and the time we meet tomorrow
  • Unit 1, Journal 6
    • What were the three decisions that you made yesterday that were most challenging?  What made them so difficult to decide?
  • Decision-making Grid Model
  • Economic Enigmas 1&2
  • HW= Create your own economic enigma - due Friday
  • Unit 1, Journal 7
    • Name a job that you've had, or that your parents have.  List all of the Land, Labor, and Capital necessary for the business they worked for to run smoothly.
  • Finish Economic Enigmas
  • Begin ppt - scarcity, shortage, and the factors of production
  • HW= Create your own economic enigma - due Friday
  • Unit 1, Journal 8
    • Listen to the song "you can't always get what you want" by the Rolling Stones (or look up the lyrics on-line)...what economic principle is this song talking about?
  • Turn in Economic Enigmas
  • Personal finance:  Needs and Wants - what do you spend your money on?
  • Finish ppt from Thursday...scarcity, shortage, factors of production
  • HW= read chapter 1, section 3 for monday

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